Birds of a feather create amazing lives together.
Connect with like-minded chicas as we spend two months working on your goals and creating the life you desire.
Connect with like-minded chicas as we spend two months working on your goals and creating the life you desire.
During this season, we will focus on sparking the connections that cultivate alliances for your personal development.
Use this time to create goals that ignite your discovery, relationships, and community.
During the IMMERSION PODS we focus on creating meaningful progress towards reaching your desired goals, with the support of like-minded chicas.
You are someone who sets a goal for themselves and is driven to see them come to life.
However, life happens and you find yourself stuck. You haven’t reached your goals but it’s not from lack of trying.
Coaches are a source of motivation, encouragement, empowerment, and most of all
accountability. We help clients connect their head, heart and intuition in a way that
transforms vision into action.
IMMERSION PODS brings together the best of both worlds – actionable steps with a holistic approach to goal setting.
Not everyone is ready to “do the work” and that’s OK.
We’re a great match when you are committed to taking inspired action with your vision and want accountability support to keep you focused and on track.
You are not ready to put in the time for personal development.
No judgement. If you’re busy or have a lot going on, this might not be the best time to engage with a group. Others will be depending on you to show up without distractions and if you’re unable to show up consistently, this is not the right time for you.
You *group hop.*
If this is your 10th group and you still feel stuck or you’re not seeing results without doing the work, then it sounds like you want to be more social and less accountable.
While I understand that we’re all different and some groups don’t vibe with everyone, if you find yourself engaged with a bunch of other groups, this would be a good time to ask yourself if you are more interested in socializing or if you want people to hold you to a standard of excellence and results.
During this session, we will focus on identifying what you want to do and how you can unlock your gifts to bring forth the vision you have for yourself and your life.
You will learn how to create a plan of action to break through any obstacle to your success while building important skills, tools, and abilities to lead, in your life and career.
During this session, we will focus on cultivating the relationship with those individuals who are invaluable to your growth and success.
You will learn how to evaluate your communication tactics within the interpersonal relationships that matter to you, so you know how to listen, attract, and influence others to your message.
During this session, we will focus on engaging a community and audience that is aligned with your values and supporting your personal and professional development.
You will learn how to articulate your expertise, competitive edge, and the value you bring to a collective group of like-minded individuals who want to see you succeed and grow.
During this session, we will check-in and
identify the lessons you learned so you can make intentional adjustments
that help support your productivity efforts.
Reach out to me, in between sessions, with any questions.
Download your session recordings to reference back as needed.
Receive a digital and printed copy of the Ignite Your Life Planner.
You can do it all alone but you don’t have to. Imagine how stressful and exhausting it must be to feel like you’ve got to be wonder woman all the time.
Juggling work, school, kids, family, friends, and still finding time to participate in self-care – why make life harder for yourself?
You don’t need to be martyr who sacrifices herself for everyone else. We hear the saying “having it all” but what we don’t hear is how to reimagine what “all” means.
Yes you *CAN* have it all but likely not at the same time and definitely not by yourself.
You will also receive the following:
» Ignite Your Life Self-Coaching Planner, to help you stay organized
» Email & Text Support, in between sessions
» Accountability Check-In Call, one month after the last session
I provide a holistic approach using my business and corporate management expertise, serving as strategist, planner, and cheerleader for my clients. I am highly sought for my solutions-driven methodology in time management, planning, and project execution.
Having consulted with top-tier corporations throughout various industries I have also cultivated my business acumen by managing teams in operations, IT, project management, customer service, finance, human resources, and sales.
Currently, I can be found working with forward-thinking professionals who want to elevate their professional and personal life. In addition to my role as a business strategist, I also integrate my training as a Certified Life Coach to provide support and guidance for individuals who want to succeed in any aspect of their lives.
Obviously, this depends on how much you put into the assignments and apply the learning. That said, virtually all clients see results within the first couple of months in the form of mindset and behavioral shifts.
The benefits of life coaching are astonishing. People who work with a life coach report increases in the following:
I want you to stop reading for just one moment to ask yourself…
Chances are, that amount will more than cover your coaching investment.
The individual skills you learn with coaching will lead you to a life of increased satisfaction. What you are regularly getting with a coaching engagement is a series of PINGS or AHAs that will move your life forward faster than you would on your own.
Expect to get a lot of these as well as the resources you’ve been looking for and haven’t found until now. That’s what you’re investing in, results, not just more “information”.